Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tangled II.

Odpustite mi, nemohla som odolať...:-) Tu je zopár ďalších videí, ktoré sa nezmestili do predošlého Tangled blogu: Novoobjavený účinný liečivý prostriedok Rapunzhair: (určite čítajte všetky nápisy! aj tie najmenšie!) Ak hľadáte pekné miesto na bývanie, jedno je k dispozícii: New parfume "Smolder" by Flynn :-) Predstavenie postáv pokračuje. Skvelo vymodelovaná záporná postava mother Gothel: Pub thugs :-) Na záver ešte dve ukážky z filmu: Pan-dering: Just to brighten your day! Related link: Tangled I.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Movie scrapbook 3

„Those who have the ability to take action, have the responsibility to take action.“
National Treasure

„My name is Sherlock Holmes. It is my business to know, what other people don’t know.“

Sherlock Holmes

hny děti mají tátu. Jenom já nemám ani psa.“

Jak vytrhnout velrybě stoličku

„How much of human life is lost in waiting!“

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of crystal scull

„It is not the power of the curse, it’s the power you give the curse.“


„Don’t give me exuces, give me results!“

Madagascar :-)

„Doesn’t matter where the train goes, important is to get on.“

Polar Express

„Your’re mocking my pain.“
„Life is pain, highness. Everyone who says different is selling something.“
Princess Bride

„They just can’t get my nose right.“

Tangled :-)

„Marley, speak comfort to me.“
„I have none to give.“

Christmas Carol

„Forget everything else and just say it to me.“
King’s speech

„No man can walk out on his own story.“

Saturday, March 12, 2011

When the Music's Not Forgotten

Please come close, for I long for you to hear
Hear the sound
That will rid you of your fears
In a land, where no water can be found
In a place, where there is no fertile ground
Longing for, yearning not to be forgotten
In an age, when the music is forgotten
In an age, when the music is forgotten

In the truth (in the truth)
Speaks of great and mighty things
Teaching us (teaching us)
What the peace of heaven brings
We must give (we must give)
We must give to all the others to those in need (those in need)
Who we fear to call our brothers

Reaching out (reaching out)
So that we are not forgotten
In a time (in a time)
When the music is forgotten
In a time (in a time)
When the music is forgotten

If we stand on a hill and do not touch
How can we do good?
If we wash our hands of all our friends
What change can really come?
If we hide our fears and don't draw near
Have we really lived?
Or are we all just standing here
Hoping there is grace?

In a dream (in a dream)
That I had not long ago
Visions of (visions of)
a city made of gold
And a sound (and a sound)
That I never heard before
Such a sound (such a sound)
Saturating to the core
Such a sound (such a sound)
One that cannot be forgotten

In a time (in a time)
When the music's not forgotten
