Sunday, December 24, 2017

Merry Christmas!

Prajem všetkým krásne a požehnané sviatky plné detskej radosti a dôvery, mieru a pokoja. Myslím na vás všetkých..
Wishing you all wonderful and blessed Christmas full of peace and beauty and childlike joy. Thinking of you all..

Picture by John O'Donohue

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Reaching the stars

Victor Nizovtsev

Victor Nizovtsev

Corbert Gauthier

Andrej Mashkotsev

Bernhard Oberdieck

Galla Yegorenkova


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

An Ode to Broken Spines Ariel Bissett

Sunday, September 24, 2017


A smile says: Yes.
A heart says: Blood.
When the rain says: Drink.
The earth says: Mud.

The kangaroo says: Trampoline.
Giraffes say: Tree.
A bus says: Us.
While a car says: Me.

Lemon trees says: Lemons.
A jug says: Lemonade.
The villain says: You're wonderful.
The hero: I'm afraid.

The forest says: Hide and Seek.
The grass says: Green and Grow.
The railway says: Maybe.
The prison says: No.

The millionaire says: Take.
The beggar says: Give.
The soldier cries: Mother!
The baby sings: Live.

The river says: Come with me.
The moon says: Bless.
The stars say: Enjoy the light. 
The sun says: Yes.

Adrian Mitchell

Monday, August 28, 2017

Summer Cottage 2 Thomas Kinkade:

Related links:
Summer Cottage 1
Autumn again...
Watermill theme

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Horské růže

"Pro koho kvetete horské růže, na mojí stráni?
Pro koho střádáte vůně, pro koho pousmání,
pro koho dýcháte,
za kým se do noci díváte
očima tužící panny -
neutrženy, nepolíbeny, nerozdány?"

"Nekvetem naplano.
U nás už napřed všechno je rozdáno,
u nás už žíti znamená dát.
Kveteme pro sebe.
Vůněmi rosteme neslyšně do nebe.
Kveteme pro radost tichou jak smutek,
kveteme pro bolest sladkou jak úsměv.
Do noci zpíváme. Někdo je vždycky, který nás slyší.
Tehdy se dáváme, až všechno se ztiší,
měsíci, vílám, horám a lukám,
dobrým a přátelským rukám.
Rosteme, kveteme, zrajeme
pro jedno šťastné a poslední: ach!
kterým by vítr se po nás vztáh
a večerem roznesl po lukách."

Jiří Wolker
(Picture by Nageh Hlail)

Related links:

Tuesday, June 13, 2017


A word is dead
When it is said,
Some say.

I say it just
Begins to live
That day.

Emily Dickinson

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Surrealism art 7 Vladimir Kush:

Related links: 
Surrealism art: part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Monday, June 5, 2017

Surrealism art 6 Vladimir Kush:

Surrealism art: part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Be Like the Bird

Be like the bird, who
Resting in his flight
On a twig too slight
Feels it bend beneath him
Yet sings,
Knowing he has wings.

Victor Hugo

 (Picture by James Hautman)

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Bird theme

Andrew Hutchinson


James Terrance


Dempsey Essick

Rick Kelley

Raymond Cyril Watson

Arlene Graston

Lora Shil