Thursday, December 27, 2018

Season of Peace and Joy

It's beginning to look like Christmas (Ruane Manning)

Fitting in

The Night Before Christmas

Colours of Christmas Market


Joy to the World (Catherine Holman)

Morning Song

Preparing for Take Off

The Less Stressful Times (Charlotte Joan Sternberg)

Silent Night Listening

Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas wishes

Čas, keď sa nebesia otvoria a zostúpi k nám Jeho sláva a sila. Prajem všetkým krásne, pokojné a požehnané Vianoce, plné čarovných detských prežívaní. Nepremeškajme tento drahocenný čas.

Happy and blessed Christmas everyone, full of childlike wonder and heart open to power of Light.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Glorious autumn unknown:

Monday, October 15, 2018

Rain Poem

The rain was like a little mouse,
Quiet, small, and gray,
It pattered all around the house
And then it went away.
It did not come, I understand,
Indoors at all, until,
It found an open window and
Left tracks across the sill.

Elizabeth Coatsworth
(picture by Michael Gorban)

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Fountains of London photos, not the best quality ;-)

Shakespeare's fountain, Leicester Square

Trafalgar Square by twilight

"Slytherin" fountain, hotel Savoy

St James' park

Mirror and steam fountain

Regent's Park

Somebody's yard :-)

Victoria Embankment Gardens

Stork's fountain

More Regent's Park fountains..

Sunday, September 9, 2018


   Habit, routine, and too much consistency numb our minds and pave the road for us to sleepwalk through our lives. Nothing stays the same. Everything passes, and everything changes.
   However, do not move too much. As an apple tree cannot bear fruit if it is too often transplanted, neither will a knight who is always building a new castle.
   Nature creates its balance with opposites. We need the sun and the rain, the glacier and the desert. Likewise, inside ourselves, we must accept the inevitability of change while deepening and strengthening our foundation.

   I would like to confess to you girls one of my clandestine prayers: that your legs be a little chubby or your nose just a touch crooked, because nothing gives a young woman permission to be weak-minded, lazy, and dull as much as being considered beautiful. Young people, women and men, often use the possession of beauty or wealth as permission to be uninteresting, undisciplined, and ill-informed. If they are fortunate enough to reach the age of twenty-eight or so, they become like coddled coyotes. Cute when little, but, upon adulthood, nasty, fearful, and living off the scraps of others.

A lady - and this is true for gentlemen too, does not overconcern herself with her own appearance or with the appearance of others. She is not slovenly, far from it. She is meticulous in the care and cleanliness of her body. Her garments are an expression of her humility: clean, simple, well made, and flattering. With her words a lady is truthful. In her dealings she is authentic. A lady does not care for such false diamonds as knowing royalty. She knows herself and concerns herself with her own development, her ideals, and how they manifest in her actions. Is the cardinal more lovely than the rosefinch because its feathers are a deeper shade of red?

As you grow into maturity, do not concern yourself with aging. A rose is striking in full bloom only because it will never be so again, but a budding rose is also stunning, as are the dark petals of autumn. It is the fact that time is passing that creaters it preciousness. A preoccupation with aesthetic beauty can be a distraction that leads young people away from pursuing a sincere exploration of their inner lives.
   All of us are asked to surrender the superficial beauty of youth and step towards something greater. We are being made ready for the spirit world. Each wrinkle is a crack in the shell of our conceit. Our conceit must be pulverized for the soul to fly.

Ethan Hawke - Rules for a knight
(picture by Gioacchino Passini)

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Summer Cottage 3 Thomas Kinkade:

Related links:
Summer Cottage part 1, part 2

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Rules for a Knight

Create time alone with yourself. When seeking the wisdom and clarity of your own mind, silence is a helpful tool. The voice of our spirit is gentle and cannot be heard when it has to compete with others. Just as it is impossible to see your reflection in troubed wter, so too is it with the soul. In silence, we can sense eternity sleeping inside us.

Never announce that you are a knight, simply behave as one. You are better than no one, and no one is better than you.

The only intelligent response to the ongoing gift of life is gratitude. For all that has been, a knight says, "Thank you." For all that is to come, a knight says, "Yes!"

Never pretend you are not a knight or attempt to diminish yourself because you deem it will make others more comfortable. We show others the most respect by offering the best of ourselves.

Each one of us is walking our own road. We are born at specific times, in specific places, and our challenges are unique. As knights, understanding and respecting our distinctiveness is vital to our ability to harness our collective strength. The use of force may be necessary to protect in an emergency, but only justice, fairness, and cooperation can truly succeed in leading men. We must live and work together as brothers or perish together as fools.

The quality of your life will, to a large extent, be decided by with whom you elect to spend your time.

A dishonest tongue and a dishonest mind waste time, and therefore waste our lives. We are here to grow, and the truth is the water, the light, and the soil from which we rise. The armor of falsehood is subtly wrought out of the darkness and hides us not only from others but from our own soul.

Grace is the ability to accept change. Be open and supple; the brittle break.

There is no such thing as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. A hurried mind is an addled mind; it cannot see clearly or hear precisely; it sees what it wants to see, or hears what it is afraid to hear, and misses much. A knight makes time his ally. There is a moment for action, and with a clear mind that moment is obvious.

There is only one thing for which a knight has no patience: unjustice. Every true knight fights for human dignity at all times.

You were born owning nothing and with nothing you will pass out of this life. Be frugal and you can be generous.

In the field of battle, as in all things, you will perform as you practice; so practice hard. With practice, you build the road to accomplish your goals. Excellence lives in attention to detail. Give your all, all the time. Don't save anything for the walk home. The better a knight prepares, the less willing he will be to surrender.

Ordinary effort, ordinary result. Take steps each day to better follow these rules. Luck is the residue of design. Be steadfast. The anvil outlasts the hammer. 

Do not speak ill of others. A knight does not spread news that he does not know to be certain, or condemn things that he does not understand. 

Love is the end goal. It is the music of our lives. There is no obstacle that enough love cannot move. 

Ethan Hawke - Rules for a Knight
(picture by Shropshire)

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Window dressing 3

Cup of tea anyone?

Related links:
Window dressing: 1, 2

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Dog Theme various artists:


Tracy Hall

Elisa Kwon


Lewis T. Johnson

Olga Gorbacov

 Nicholas Hely Hutchinson

Terry Pond

Don Crook

Elliot Daingerfield
