Saturday, December 28, 2013
Thursday, December 26, 2013
It's a Wonderful Life
The ultimate christmas classic. About significance of one man, about one life that is wonderful and much much more... With the words of somebody out there on interntet: "Merry christmas ya wonderful old movie!"
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Merry Christmas!
Prajem všetkým nádherné sviatky, plné Svetla, Lásky a zázračnosti, nových začiatkov a prežívaní, a Nebeského Pokoja...
Wishing you Love, Happiness and Light in your hearts and a real Christmas wonder that should be always new and magical...
Picture by Nadia Strelkina
Wishing you Love, Happiness and Light in your hearts and a real Christmas wonder that should be always new and magical...
Picture by Nadia Strelkina
paint pictures
Friday, December 20, 2013
White is in the winter night
One of the nicest christmas songs there is. By the one and only Enya:
Have you seen the mistletoe, it fills the night with kisses
Have you seen the bright blue star, it fills your heart with wishes
Have you seen the candlelight, it shines from every window
Have you seen the moon above, it lights the sky in silver
Green is in the mistletoe and red is in the holly
Silver in the stars above that shine on everybody
Gold is in the candlelight and crimson in the embers
White is in the winter night that everyone remembers
Have you heard the boys outside, when all the girls are skating
Have you heard their sweet hearts cry for all this time they're waiting
Green is in the mistletoe and red is in the holly
Silver in the stars above that shine on everybody
Gold is in the candlelight and crimson in the embers
White is in the winter night that everyone remembers
Have you seen the children playing, tiny hands are frozen
Have you seen them hurry home, when suddenly its snowing
Green is in the mistletoe and red is in the holly
Silver in the stars above that shine on everybody
Gold is in the candlelight and crimson in the embers
White is in the winter night that everyone remembers
Have you heard that bells are ringing, ringing out their story
Have you heard the choir singing, Glory, Glory, Glory
Related link:
Enya - Silent Night in irish
Have you seen the mistletoe, it fills the night with kisses
Have you seen the bright blue star, it fills your heart with wishes
Have you seen the candlelight, it shines from every window
Have you seen the moon above, it lights the sky in silver
Green is in the mistletoe and red is in the holly
Silver in the stars above that shine on everybody
Gold is in the candlelight and crimson in the embers
White is in the winter night that everyone remembers
Have you heard the boys outside, when all the girls are skating
Have you heard their sweet hearts cry for all this time they're waiting
Green is in the mistletoe and red is in the holly
Silver in the stars above that shine on everybody
Gold is in the candlelight and crimson in the embers
White is in the winter night that everyone remembers
Have you seen the children playing, tiny hands are frozen
Have you seen them hurry home, when suddenly its snowing
Green is in the mistletoe and red is in the holly
Silver in the stars above that shine on everybody
Gold is in the candlelight and crimson in the embers
White is in the winter night that everyone remembers
Have you heard that bells are ringing, ringing out their story
Have you heard the choir singing, Glory, Glory, Glory
Related link:
Enya - Silent Night in irish
paint pictures,
Monday, December 16, 2013
Friday, December 13, 2013
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Mouse theme
Hoci doma v špajzi a na poli, kde obhrýzajú zemiaky, sú pre nás často škodcovia, na plátne a na papieri sa myškám, potkanom, či iným hlodavcom dostalo pre ich podarenosť tisícorakého spracovania, a majú čestné miesto vedľa ostatných zvieratiek nielen v ríši príbehov a rozprávok...
authors unknown:
paint pictures,
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Vták v srdci
Spomedzi všetkých vtákov najkrajší je rosík.
Podobá sa vtákom nespavosti. No kým tí žijú z nočnej tmy, vták rosík sa živí vôňou kvetov, ozvenami piesní a ľudskými snami.
Počuť ho spievať za tichých nocí alebo na pravé poludnie, keď ostatní vtáci mlčia. Hlas má priezračný ako ticho.
Nie každému je dané, že ho môže uvidieť.
Aj tí, ktorí majú šťastie uzrieť jeho neurčitú a ustavične sa meniacu podobu, nemôžu ho uzrieť hocikde a hocikedy.
Hádam by sme ho vídali všetci a častejšie. Ale rosík môže vysedieť svoje oslnivokrištáľové vajíčka iba v tichu, v úplnom tichu a pokoji.
Pretože sa neprestajne kdesi strieľa a hartusí, vták rosík sa sťahuje z miesta na miesto.
V zime vyzerá trochu ako bozk zimnej kráľovnej. Prilieta až k očiam alebo ústam, a kým sa ľudia stačia spamätať - je preč, rozplynie sa.
Na jar má podobu fialkovej vône a jeho hlas je ružový.
V lete ním rozvoniavajú lesy.
Nik nevie, kde sa vták rosík zrodil.
On sám spieva občas takto:
Kde sa deň stretá s nocou,
tam som sa zrodil,
strom pravdy je mojím otcom
a matkou prameň živej vody.
Vták rosík má toľko podôb ako ľudská túžba.
Je to vták-srdce, vták-dúha, vták-slza radosti, vták-nečakaný dar.
Ak naň ide niekto s klietkou alebo osídlami - unikne, a lovec obyčajne upadne do vlastných osídiel.
Najkrajší je vták rosík vtedy, keď zamrieme v sladkom blahu a srdce tuší, že vták rosík sa nám zahniezďuje v duši.
Milan Ferko - Kam vtáci na noc odkladajú srdce
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