Sunday, March 29, 2009
The Eason's greetings 2
Few cards from M.I.L.K. collection that we sell in Eason. Strong, healthy and important ingrediences of life like milk itself...:-)
(I wrote the notices down for better readibility)
Who finds a friend, finds treasure
(irish proverb)
In every man a child is hidden that wants to play
A hug is the perfect gift, one size fits all
The road to a friend's house is never long
(danish proverb)
The trouble with children is that they are not returnable
(Quentin Crisp)
Falling in love is easy but staying in love is something very special
Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart
(Eleanor Roosevelt)
Go confidently in direction of your dreams
(Henry David Thoreau)
A hug is the shortest distance between friends
(author unknown)
Never underestimate a child's ability to get into more trouble
Friends have a way of speaking without words
Related link: The Eason's greetings 1
everyday joys,
picture reflection,
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
End and Beginning
„...when Mo looked up into darkness, saw a bird sitting among the web of roots, a bird with gold plumage and a red mark on its breast. It was staring down at him from a bird’s round eyes, but the voice that came from its beak was the voice of a woman.
“Who are you?” Mo looked at the White Women. Then he looked at Dustfinger’s still face.
„Guess.“ The bird ruffled up its golden feathers, and Mo saw that the mark on its breast was blood.
“You are Death.” Mo felt the word heavy on his tongue. Could any word be heavier?
“Yes, so they call me, although I might be called by so many other names!” The bird shook itself, and golden feathers covered the leaves at Mo’s feet. They fell on his hair and shoulders, and when he looked up again there was only the skeleton of a bird sitting among the roots. “I am the end and the beginning.” Fur sprouted from the bones. Pointed ears grew on the bare skull. A squirrel was looking down at Mo, the bird had spoken now came from its little mouth.
“The Great Shape-Changer, that’s the name I like!” The squirrel shook itself in its own turn, lost its fur, tail and ears and became a butterfly, a caterpillar at his feet, a big cat with a coat as dappled as the light in the Wayless Wood – and finally a marten that jumped on to the bed of moss where Dustfinger lay, and curled up at the dead man’s feet.
“I am the beginning of all stories, and their end,” it said in the voice of the bird, in the voice of the squirrel. “I am transience and renewal. Without me nothing is born, because without me nothing dies...”
(Cornelia Funke - Inkdeath)
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Narcissus time
Prišiel ich čas. Môžete ich nájsť všade. V parkoch pod stromami...
...pri plotoch...
...dokonca na diaľnici...
...kraľujú Dublinu...
...vo farbách slnka...
Little suns in grass... :-)
Hm... I wonder how the world outside looks like..?
Oh, I see... Woderful...:-)
When they come...
...we know that spring is here...
Everything will meet it's end...
Pustite ma von!
Neúspešný pokus...
A nakoniec ešte bonus. Nenarcisovský. Aj iné kvietky už kvitnú do krásy. Jar prišla do Dublinu! :-)
Dublin's parks,
everyday joys,
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Ze Zdroje,
odkud světy srší
a do věčnosti rotují,
varhany bouří
já seji v duši,
a všech svých hříchů lituji...
Ze Zdroje,
odkud život září,
východy sluncí ve zlatě,
čiň vše s láskou,
ať se ti daří,
a tvoje dílo pozná tě...
Ze Zdroje s hukotem se řítí
myšlenek čistých vodopád.
Viděl jsi moře, prozradí ti:
i ty se můžeš mořem stát...
I ty i já, i já i ty,
i my i vy
se můžem mořem stát.
I ty i já, i já i ty,
i my i vy,
my můžem lásku dát...
Ze Zdroje národ má své syny,
a taky dcery, vavřín ve vlasech,
oči z hvězd a tělo z hlíny
uhnětu, jen mě tvořit nech...
I ty i já, i já i ty,
i my i vy
se můžem mořem stát.
I ty i já, i já i ty,
i my i vy,
my můžem lásku dát...
A což když v solný sloup se změní,
čas, který spět se ohlédne,
ze Zdroje prýští světlo denní,
láva co život v dílo mění
z balvanů spících v poledne...
I ty i já, i já i ty,
i my i vy
se můžem mořem stát.
I ty i já, i já i ty,
i my i vy,
my můžem lásku dát...
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Movie scrapbook
(...výber pre tu a teraz, čo je zároveň nadčasový. Pre vás a... pre seba...)
"Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That's why it's called a present..."
Kung Fu Panda (master Oogway)
"I've passed the test! I will diminish, go into the west and remain Galadriel..."LOTR - The Fellowship of the Ring
"It's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines, it will shine out the clearer..."
LOTR - The Two Towers
"I know your face... Eowyn..."
LOTR - The Return of the Ring
"Volajte ma, prosím, Kordélia..."
Anna zo Zeleného domu
"Anything else in the box, Pandora..?!"
Frasier (Niles Crane to his brother Frasier after he costed to many troubles that evening... :-))
Gabrielle (Markovi): "Zůstaň se mnou, má lásko!"
J.T. : "Zůstaň se mnou, oběde..!"
Krok za krokom
"...lavička, počkaj, netancuj, pekne stoj, aspoň kým ja prejdem. Ale tamtoho, čo príde za mnou, zhoď ta do vody, nič ho nepoľutuj!"
Rysavá Jalovica (Adam Krt už rozhádaný s Trnkom a, samozrejme, podgurážený dlhým vysedávaním v krčme, sa snaží prejsť cez lavičku nad potokom :-))
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Street Jester :-)
Nie je to nič špeciálne, ale poteší. Tento šašo dnes zabával na ulici ľudí :-) (prepáčte hroznú kvalitu, je to točené len foťákom)
everyday joys
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Irish churches
A ešte čosi zo sobotňajšieho výletu. Zatiaľčo v Dubline sú mimo omší kostoly väčšinou pozamykané, na vidieku môžete zažiť to nehybné kostolné ticho len pre seba.
Tento kostol nepatrí do Írska politicky, iba geograficky. Newry už patrí do Spojeného kráľovstva. Platili sme bankovkami a mincami s obrázkom anglickej kráľovnej. Až teraz som si uvedomila... Ja som vlastne bola cez víkend v Anglicku! :-)
Pri každom kostole sa nájde nejaké to zákutie so soškami a kvietkami
Ale už ticho. Sme v kostole...
Druhý kostol po ceste domov:
Typické okrúhle keltské okno, čo sa mi tak páči, zvonku...
a zvnútra
Okno na zadnej strane kostola odrážajúce konáre stromov...
...a kresliace obraz farebným svetlom
Kľačiaca socha... bez rúk..! Kam sa podeli..? :-(
Keltskému krížu nikdy neodolám :-)
Tento kostol nepatrí do Írska politicky, iba geograficky. Newry už patrí do Spojeného kráľovstva. Platili sme bankovkami a mincami s obrázkom anglickej kráľovnej. Až teraz som si uvedomila... Ja som vlastne bola cez víkend v Anglicku! :-)
Pri každom kostole sa nájde nejaké to zákutie so soškami a kvietkami
Ale už ticho. Sme v kostole...
Druhý kostol po ceste domov:
Typické okrúhle keltské okno, čo sa mi tak páči, zvonku...
a zvnútra
Okno na zadnej strane kostola odrážajúce konáre stromov...
...a kresliace obraz farebným svetlom
Kľačiaca socha... bez rúk..! Kam sa podeli..? :-(
Keltskému krížu nikdy neodolám :-)
trips Ireland
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