Thursday, October 2, 2008

By the still waters of the lake...

...which have the power of reflection...

...we need to stop, sit down and listen... the song and colours of the hights of all the Beauty...

...or to the grey depth of our sad soul...

But if we were always on the places where we wanted to be...

...we would never go to the places where we learned something new...

...and discover place of a great Beauty as well...

...just not to be afraid. The boat is always ready to go

PS: Viacero ľudí sa ma neveriacky spýtalo, či sú to moje fotky. Odpoveď: tá neveriackosť je, samozrejme, na mieste, ľuďom, čo robia také fotky, sa vyká :-). Sú stiahnuté z internetu. Ja sa len chcem s nimi podeliť a poslať ich ďalej...

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